In the construction of Charlestown every effort is being made to utilise environmentally friendly materials. As one example 10,000 tonnes of Ecocem environmentally friendly cement have been used which has resulted in saving emissions of over 9,000 tonnes of CO2 - the equivalent of taking 2,200 cars off the road for one year! These energy savings that have been achieved by using Ecocem cement are the equivalent to the electrical energy used by 1,800 Irish households in one year.
A Sustainable Approach
Charlestown will benefit from it’s own Central Energy Centre where the combined use of bio-mass boiler, natural gas boilers and a combined heat and power plant (CHP) will be used to deliver a continuous supply of hot water and heat to each apartment which is metered monthly to each resident.
The Carbon Footprint of the CHP alone is so low that no carbon taxes will apply throughout the entire complex.
The bio-mass boiler plant uses an alternative renewable fuel, wood pellets and recyclable timber produce to generate heat. This fuel is carbon neutral reducing the impact on the environment and locally sourced giving it a more stable fuel price.
The Combined Heat and Power Plant (CHP) generates electricity on site for the Centres Amenities and its reject heat, by a procedure of electrical generation, is utilised to provide additional heat and hot water in the apartments and retail units.
Check out Irish Times article about our Green Credentials - Dublin shopping centre bags €61,000 in annual energy savings